JAVA exPress > Authors > Joris Kuipers

Joris Kuipers

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Joris specialized in J2EE technology when the first standards arrived, after having worked with J2EE-predecessors like the IBM SanFrancisco framework since 1999, and became the Java Technical Consultant for the Dutch Central Bank in 2003. In April 2007, Joris joined SpringSource in The Netherlands as a Senior consultant. He specializes in middle-tier development and is the lead of the SpringSource dm Server training.


OSGi: Modularity without restarts for Enterprise Java applications

Issue 5 - 2009-10-01

People that have kept track of the developments around Java 7 will have noticed that modularity is a term that pops up everywhere; there are several JSRs that concern this topic: JSR-277, now suspended, JSR-291, based on OSGi, JSR-294, a module system for Java that's part of the language itself, and also project Jigsaw, a Sun-initiative for modularising the VM.

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